About Me

Words the world would uses to describe me are: Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Friend, Doctor, Pastor, Teacher, and my personal favorite Crazy!
I believe that we live our lives according to our convictions, what does your life say about whats at your core?

Thursday, May 24, 2012


There is POWER in TEAMWORK...

I have always believed in the acronym T.E.A.M


I don’t know that EVERYONE actually achieves more, but together you certainly achiever BETTER!  Perhaps you have an ability to produce GREAT quantities of work…imagine what you could accomplish if you worked together as a team?

Nearly EVERYONE believes teamwork is the way to achieve greatness…
Why then, is it that most organizations, churches, schools, business, marriages, etc. etc. etc. don’t work as ONE cohesive unit or team?

Could it possibly be because we romanticize, and even desire the word TEAM, but we want to forget the work part?  After all it is called, TEAMWORK…right???

Teamwork requires a few things:
An open mind and heart
A perhaps above all A HEART FOR THE MISSION the team is on!

Teamwork is not always easy, but if your willing, open, humble, and committed God will do GREAT things through you and the rest of your team…

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