About Me

Words the world would uses to describe me are: Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Friend, Doctor, Pastor, Teacher, and my personal favorite Crazy!
I believe that we live our lives according to our convictions, what does your life say about whats at your core?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2014 Update - Hello...

It's been a LONG LONG time since I last posted...So many things have happened in my life!  Life has sped up significantly but so has my desire to help others live life well.  To write or not to write, that is the question...I shall be posting again soon!

I hope 2014 has been treating you as well as it has me.

Here is a picture from a magazine I was featured in this year.  If you click on the picture you will be directed to the digital version of the magazine...Pretty cool stuff...God is blessing and continuing to show me his favor as I follow after Him!


God Bless,
