About Me

Words the world would uses to describe me are: Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Friend, Doctor, Pastor, Teacher, and my personal favorite Crazy!
I believe that we live our lives according to our convictions, what does your life say about whats at your core?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Portion Control - DIET LIES

There are many diet slogans that I just don't agree with. One such phrase is...

You don’t have to change the WAY or WHAT you eat, just eat LESS!

This coincides with the starving yourself skinny diet...and for me at least, IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!

Are you sick of failing or regaining the lbs after being successful with a diet? Have you lost 20, 30, or more pounds and feel depressed because you gained them back???

Many people insist that you don’t have to change a thing, just your portion size to lose weight! While it seems that this is an accurate statement, there is a reason it doesn’t work! The reason…YOU ARE STARVING, or so your body tells you.

Let’s face it most of us have plenty of food to eat. While I agree that our portion sizes are out of control in America today, I also believe that our food choices have more to do with the extra bulge around the waistline.

If you want lasting success with your diet success listen up:

EAT MORE VEGGIES and less bread!

EAT MORE BAKED chicken breast, and less DEEP FRIED Chicken Wings!

Eat more EGG WHITES, and less Biscuits and Gravy!

Eat more fruit, and less ICECREAM!

I really don’t mean this post to sound rude or sarcastic…I truly want you to succeed with your weight loss goals.

If you have any questions feel free to ask or email me at ben.emmons@gmail.com.

BTW here is an example of what I am talking about:

A large double quarter pounder with cheese meal from McDonalds has 1,540 calories…if 4 oz. of baked boneless skinless chicken breast has 110 calories then for 1,540 calories you can eat 56 oz or 3.5 LBS OF CHICKEN…PS I DON’T Suggest trying this!