About Me
- Bemmons
- Words the world would uses to describe me are: Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Friend, Doctor, Pastor, Teacher, and my personal favorite Crazy!
I believe that we live our lives according to our convictions, what does your life say about whats at your core?
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Running Year in Review
Miles: 2,410
Monthly Average: 200.83
Daily Average: 6.6
Highest Month: 228
PR'd Disney Marathon 3:27
Shoes: 5 pairs
2011 was a crazy year. There were ups and downs. Two races quickly stick out in my mind as highlights.
First, running Goofy 2011 a.k.a Marathon4Missions. While raising over 10K for Bible translations I had the privileged to run with my wife for her first half marathon. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE helping people reach their goals in running & fitness so you can only imagine how amazing it was to do this race with my wife. The following day I PR'D the marathon.
The second race was completing the Florida Ironman 70.3! I did train very hard for this race, which impacted my running mileage greatly!!! In fact my only months of the year under 200 miles came during the three month training cycle for this event. My fitness level soared, but the funniest thing happened when I got to the race there was a freak morning thunder storm, all race strategy went out the window, and my new strategy was to finish, and enjoy the day. It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable days of my life (probably not exactly what the name of the race implies, and don't worry my next Ironman will be all out, totally drained and crawling for a week effort!)
I can't forget the National marathon was good. Running a 26.2 mile race around an area with such historical significance was amazing. My training was off and I ended with a 3:38.
So how about 2012? GOALS...
- Run 2,500+ miles
- Race 3 marathons, and PR again this year
- Help my kids live healthier, & run with them more
- Help my wife regain her fitness level after giving birth to our third child - Inspire more people to get active
- Run 365 days for the 4th year
My fitness THEME for 2012 is the Year of the RACE!
If your interested in seeing my running log broken down monthly
January 202 (Goofy 39.3 miles 2 days)
February 228
*March 175.1 (National Marathon)
*April 189.4
*May 158.3 (Florida Ironman 70.3)
Jun 208.2
July 201.5
August 227.2
September 193.3
October 204.5
November 200.7
December 221.8
Year Total 2,410
* Training for Florida Ironman 70.3 (Added swimming & biking significantly impacted my running time)
Here is to 2012...What is your fitness goals for the coming year?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Worth Every Drop!
I have been focused…
I have trained all year…
I put in the work…
Yet some things happened that impacted all the work that has been invested over the last 365 days.
Sometimes things happened that were out of my control and other things happen as a result of my own bad choices!
I believe many people have the misconceptions that running, working out, or other physically challenging things are “easy & fun” for me. If anyone is wondering running is the hardest thing for me to do physically, this is why I do it. I have never been & never wanted to be a runner. It used to be when people called me a runner, I’d deny it by responding, “I am NOT a runner!” almost as if I was offended.
4.5 years ago you could have caught one of the most comical sights, my SICK attempt at taking a run. “One mile, that isn’t very far”, I thought to myself. Less then 100 meters into the run I’d find out how far it really was, BUT THE COOLEST THING HAPPENED that day, I DID NOT GIVE UP! I slowed…I walked, but I kept moving forward.
Day after day I told myself it’d get easier & it did somewhat. Once it started getting comfortable though I knew it was time to push myself a little more…faster, further, the journey continued.
Fast forward somewhere around 1,642 and a half-day to today.
- I am closing in on my 10,000th mile since that 1st…what if I would have stopped?
- The first mile probably took close to 25 minutes to complete…I can now run 4 miles in that time!
-Today I have run everyday for 1,097 days in a row, averaging close to 7 miles a day or an hour a day during this streak!
Lately I have been reminded of where I have come from since that day which I attempted the first mile. I know that this journey has only been possible because of God’s grace, and conviction. With Marathon for Missions 3 looming I can honestly say that whatever happens on 7th & 8th of January 2012, I can be proud of one thing, I NEVER STOPPED! Regardless of how much it hurt, or how tired I was…when I felt like giving up I pressed forward and continued to fight for it.
It isn’t easy, BUT IT IS WORTH IT! If you’re thinking about changing this year, getting more active, losing a few pounds, eating healthier, getting healthier, You’ll NEVER REGRET IT.
Invest some sweat, tears (yes, there will be some), sore muscles (You can count on it), blood, & determination and make the change.
I believe Nike says it best, “JUST DO IT!”
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Calories: Weight Loss/Gain, & Common FRUSTRATIONS & Misunderstandings
Now here is where it gets tricky, WE ALL BURN DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF CALORIES DAILY! The younger we are the faster we burn…the larger we are the more calories we need to consume to stay that way! Here is the part of weight loss that confuses and FRUSTRATES a large percentage of individuals…
As of today, I am 6’3” 206lbs…My BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate is 2,007 calories!
If you don’t know what your BMR is start by finding out here: BMR Calculator
OK…here is where the frustration begins. This is just an ESTIMATE! Some of you will burn many more calories then this, and others will burn far less. To figure out where you are, TRACK your CALORIES and see what the scale does. If you gain weight then your metabolism is actually slower…if you lose weight they PRAISE GOD your metabolism is faster then the average (probably a good indication that you have more muscle mass then the average person your same height, weight, age, and gender) this would be a good thing!
There is the nutrition education…Continue reading to know what this principle has done for me in training for the Walt Disney World Marathon in January and why weight loss is important for marathon runners!
The Living Science Experiment:
For the past couple of weeks I have been on an ELC (Extremely Low Calorie) diet, training for Walt Disney World Marathon with a weight goal of 28lbs to take me to 190. When I started I had no idea what my weight was because it wasn’t an issue…I eat right, I exercise EVERY DAY, and I felt good. However, the scale indicated that I weighed 218lbs. Much higher then expected and a WHOLE lot heavier then I want to weigh running a marathon with a time goal in mind. So over the last two weeks I have averaged 1,525 calories (energy intake from food)…I have lost 12lbs and FEEL AMAZING!!! Yesterday I ran 20 miles at an 8:05 pace. This is faster then my normal long run and I felt GREAT! Today I continued to feel GREAT, no soreness at all, and ran a 5 mile recovery run at 8:20 pace…according to an article written by Runners World (Runners World Article) a 20lb weight loss will result in 17:28 cut off of a marathon time & after starting at 218lbs I know I can get to 190, a 38lb difference which theoretically should cut 24 minutes off my overall time! Will this be accurate? Only time will tell…I ran the same marathon last year at around 205lbs I believe in 3:27, if this theory held true it could again THEORETICALLY put my time 13 minutes faster!
ONLY TIME, TRAINING, & NUTRITION will tell! Until January I feel like my nutrition is dialed in, I pray that the Lord continues to keep me healthy & injury free!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Five Influences over your Diet & Health!
Planning out your meals & snacks daily is the quickest way to nutritional success…
Plan ahead or plan to fail! Whatever your diet goals are remember that you will face obstacles and pitfalls daily in regards to your physical health and nutrition! Here are some common influencers you need to consider when attempting to live a healthy life:
Emotions – When emotions are high we typically turn to an old friend for “comfort”…Somehow we have bought into the lie that when we are upset, sad, happy, stressed, etc. the box of crackers in our pantry or the ice cream in our freezer holds the answer!
Emotional eating is NEVER good! Nearly every emotion prompts false hunger signals. Think about nearly every major event during your life…birthdays, graduations, funerals, baby showers, etc. all center around friends, emotions, and FOOD! The term, “Comfort Food” indicates this is true. DO NOT EAT BECAUSE OF EMOTIONS.
Convenience – We often eat junk because it is convenient. One key to navigating around this negative influence of convenience is to eat breakfast at home and pack your lunch along with any snacks for your entire day! If you do not plan your food out ahead of time you will ALWAYS be negatively impacted by the influence of CONVENIENCE! If you find yourself “stuck” remember there are PLENTY of low fat/low calorie options at your local grocery store. AND lets be honest…fruits and veggies are MUCH more convenient then the dollar menu from your local fast food restaurant!
Availability – When embarking on a lifestyle modification it is ESSENTIAL to keep the right foods available at all times! This includes your home, work, play, and travel locations. Always have something healthy around when you get that unexpected hunger...low calorie fruits, veggies, and (low fat, low calorie) protein bars work amazing for this option!
Time – Another negative influence is time restraints. We have bought into the lie that all food has to be “fast food” on the go. Again there are plenty of great options available at grocery stores, Wal-Mart’s, Target’s, even gas stations (not their own prepared fast foods, but fruits, lean meats, & other options) have great options vs. greasy fast food restaurants! Don’t buy into the myth that eating unhealthy is a time management skill!
Cost – While eating healthy can be expensive, it doesn’t have to be! Find healthy foods that are in your budget and stock up. Sam’s Club, Costco, Wal-Mart, and others have plenty of healthy options at a value price. With medical cost on the rise, the real question is can you afford to not eat healthy?
Again eating a well balanced, nutritious diet is strategic. Not only do you need to know what foods to eat, YOU MUST PLAN AHEAD! If you don’t these NEGATIVE INFLUENCES will impact you.
What is your biggest HEALTH NEMESIS?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Portion Control - DIET LIES
There are many diet slogans that I just don't agree with. One such phrase is...
You don’t have to change the WAY or WHAT you eat, just eat LESS!
This coincides with the starving yourself skinny diet...and for me at least, IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!
Are you sick of failing or regaining the lbs after being successful with a diet? Have you lost 20, 30, or more pounds and feel depressed because you gained them back???
Many people insist that you don’t have to change a thing, just your portion size to lose weight! While it seems that this is an accurate statement, there is a reason it doesn’t work! The reason…YOU ARE STARVING, or so your body tells you.
Let’s face it most of us have plenty of food to eat. While I agree that our portion sizes are out of control in America today, I also believe that our food choices have more to do with the extra bulge around the waistline.
If you want lasting success with your diet success listen up:
EAT MORE VEGGIES and less bread!
EAT MORE BAKED chicken breast, and less DEEP FRIED Chicken Wings!
Eat more EGG WHITES, and less Biscuits and Gravy!
Eat more fruit, and less ICECREAM!
I really don’t mean this post to sound rude or sarcastic…I truly want you to succeed with your weight loss goals.
If you have any questions feel free to ask or email me at ben.emmons@gmail.com.
BTW here is an example of what I am talking about:
A large double quarter pounder with cheese meal from McDonalds has 1,540 calories…if 4 oz. of baked boneless skinless chicken breast has 110 calories then for 1,540 calories you can eat 56 oz or 3.5 LBS OF CHICKEN…PS I DON’T Suggest trying this!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Hunger for Victory!
Following my past marathon I have decided to begin to cut, or loose weight once again. I weighed in the other day and noticed I actually have about 25lbs to lose! I embarked on a low calorie, high carb and protein diet and cut the fat to nearly nothing. I know fats are essential, and important (it is also taught they keep you feeling full, but so does fiber and protein!)…and lets be honest, it is not good when your aim is cutting calories. You see there are 9 calories in a gram of fat as compared to 4 in both a carbohydrate and protein grams…but this post is not really about nutrition. It is about the struggle to plan and eat only what is planned for a given day!
I pack my food everyday…I load up on low calorie foods for example here is what I have had so far today:
Total Calories: 958
Daily Total through lunch
124 g. Carbs 95 g. Protein 958 total calories
Breakfast 2 g. carbs 50 g. protein 270 calories
6 Egg whites omelete with 2 oz. Of Pastrami
Lunch 92 g. carbs 43 g. protein 568 calories
2 Angus pastrami sandwiches on whole wheat pita pockets
1 medium Fuji Apple
2 Navels Oranges
Snacks / Other 30 g. carbs 2 g. protein 120 calories
Texas Red Grapefruit
Water 60 oz.
I believe my body is still trying to adjust to the low calorie. I have had 958 calories and I remain a bit on the ummmm hungry side. I have heard and believe your body tells you when to eat, but hey lets just admit it, in the past MY BODY HAS LIED TO ME! I ate when I was hungry and gained weight, lots and lots of weight. There are many people who teach this theory…
What about stress? Stress and impulse eaters are probably thinking, I could eat all day long if I eat whenever I am hungry! Whenever I smell something good (walk by a Popeye’s chicken lately, oh I have…but haven’t eaten in one for over four years!) my body says feed me…
Counting calories, and telling your belly no when you smell Krispy Kreme may not be easy, but ultimately it is best, nearly every time! Call me extreme, call me whatever you’d like…all I am saying is resisting food when trying to lose weight and limit your food intake and calories is difficult! Just ONE bad mistake and you can ruin your whole days deficit.
This battle is not won day by day; it is won minute by minute!!!
Time to increase my daily vegetable intake!
The only thing I know is that failure is not an option…
Since typing this my body has now decided it isn’t hungry at all…interesting! Just like when we face other kinds of temptations sometimes the thing we need to do most is just make up our minds to do the right thing, then weather the storm!
BTW in case your wondering you need to eat/burn 3,500 calories in order to gain or lose a pound. Create a 3,500 calorie deficit and you lose a pound…eat 3,500 extra calories and gain a pound of fat OR MUSCLE (if you’ve been resistance training)
For those of you who believe in the power of God's Word REMEMBER:
Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
We can do this!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Israel Day Two and Three!
Day two was filled with great sites. We traveled Mt. Carmel, where Elijah called down fire from heaven, the sea port of Caesarea which was the beach home of King Herod, the ruins of which served as temporary homes for day time fishermen. It was an amazing structure that even included an amazing swimming pool (compliments of the ocean of course)! We went to Megiddo which according to prophecy will be where the last battle of Armageddon will take place. A very unique experience included visiting Nazareth Village where you walk into the land and a presentation much like Jesus would have experienced growing up. The Baptism service at the Jordan was interesting, I didn’t realize how small the Jordan really was and so much Scripture came to life by seeing the geography of the land on this day.
Day Three
Stops included Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Mt. of Beatitudes, Boat Ride, Fish Lunch, Beit Shean, Jordan Valley and overnight in Jerusalem.
Today was an AMAZING day! I started the morning with a 10 mile run along the Sea of Galilee…breathtaking (I will post pictures via facebook later). I meet a man from Austria and had a very interesting conversation. A great start to an awesome day!
The food at the second hotel was amazing, but enough about that…
Capernaum was the location of Peters house, a mansion compared to the houses around it. To me two events stick out from this day. First, the Mt. of Beatitudes was an amazing reflection on who Jesus taught us all to be! I have so much to work on where my thoughts here…the church at this location was GORGEOUS!
God used some very effective means of communication to speak with me today, especially at the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. Remember this is the place where Peter is given so much grief for sinking after he took his eyes off of Jesus…lets give credit where credit is due, at least he got out of the boat!
The fish was fried, but the waiter asked for mine to be baked. It was good, but I really loved seeing the expression on Sarah’s face when they served the WHOLE fish eyeballs, head, tail, and all deep fried to everyone sitting around us!
It truly was an amazing day…what a blessing going here has been!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Day One – Planes, Busses, Treadmills, and a Fruit Stands!
Day number one of Touring the Holy Land has quickly come to an end. Today was mainly an entire day devoted to traveling. Our first flight was delayed three hours so we were all anxious to get to Newark to meet the rest of our group, not to mention the comfort getting off of a propeller plane into a 777 Jet would bring us! We arrived at Dulles airport at 2:15ish and finally arrived in Israel 3:45 p.m. if your trying to do the math don’t forget the 7 hour time difference. The great news is the second plane was roomy for me, and the guy sitting in front of me didn’t shove his seat in my face, which was nice for a change.
After arriving we took a bus ride, it was very nice, peaceful, in fact so peaceful I had difficulty keeping my eyes open. We arrived in Nazareth and had dinner here at the hotel. Dinner was interesting!
The hotel has a pretty decent fitness center, and by decent I mean I can run on their treadmills and not EXPLODE them…I kind of have a reputation for exploding cheap treadmills if your wondering...
I ran 10k in just under 45 minutes…it was very nice to get my blood circulating. The flights were actually nice, the people seem amazing, but the highlight of the day so far for me is the fruit stand that a small group of us just walked to.
The fruit is AMAZING!!! I picked up oranges, apples, grapefruits, pamagranet, and strawberries were what I picked up…
Tonight we are in Nazareth, tomorrow morning I will run in the land where Jesus walked…Tomorrow we go to Cana, Nazareth Village, Megidido, Mt. Carmel, Caesarea, I will be baptized in the Jordan River, and we will spend the night near the Jordan River.
I am sure tomorrow will be a day full of amazing things…I will keep you poosted!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Discipline at the Dinner Table!
It is funny to me how people respond to my seemingly strict daily diet. I want to write an article from my heart. Not one on weight loss, running, or leadership, but rather on discipline of the diet.
For those of you who don’t know, or maybe never realized, I am a firm believer that the Bible is God’s inspired Word to mankind. Please understand that I am not writing this as attacking or antagonistic but rather out of the passion from my own heart! So here goes…
It is really funny to me how people react when they go to a restaurant with me and I order things such as salads with no dressing, no bacon, and no cheese…chicken with no sauce, or oil and butter…the response is nearly always the same, almost as if I am crazy!
Usually the discussion is highlighted by the question, “isn’t everything ok in moderation”? The answer which is in my own opinion is of course, for most that is true, but not to someone with a history of food abuse. Not to me, someone who use to weigh 321+ lbs. It is also my opinion that when I was this obese and sedentary I was killing myself and my family through my poor daily choices. I was literally passing on the baton of a lifestyle that led to obesity, poor cardiac health, diabetes, an other health related issues and obstacles. Who knows how many generations could have been impacted by the lifestyle I was modeling to my children?
The truth is as a pastor I was completely convicted of my lifestyle. It seemed that week after week I would stand before the congregation and tell the people in order to have the fullness of life, and relationship they sought with God that they had to exhibit Godly character. After all who is going to argue against the thought that the life of a true Christian should reflect and ultimately lead to the fruits of the Spirit being on display?
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
I mean there it was, staring me in the face and I felt helpless…I had a extreme problem with the self-control part, that is until the conviction of the Holy Spirit grabbed my heart like never before! At that moment EVERYTHING changed.
One question I have for everyone is this, why are people who are addicted to food looked at differently then people caught in other addictions? I mean when is the last time someone taught alcohol was ok in moderation at an AA group or to someone who lost their family due to their problem? When is the last time people actually encouraged a person caught in a gambling addiction to just go to the casino and gamble in moderation? Maybe I am way off base with my thoughts…I’d really like to have some interaction with this though.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think eating junk food, or relaxing is sin. I PERSONALLY struggle with food, I have and probably always will face this battle. This is a battle that is winnable; it is one that God has helped me overcome. This is still a daily battle and God has completely transformed my life, anyone who use to know me will personally attest to this I am sure.
For me gluttony is a very real enemy. It can simply be defined as excess in eating or drinking.
I know what my life was like before this transformation took place. I would wake up feeling tired, depressed, and defeated before the day even began. Now when I arise in the morning, I am typically filled with energy, and look forward to a victorious day. If asking the waiter to hold the butter helps me this much…if it means avoiding the daunting task of carrying around an extra 131 pounds, then I can do without salad dressing!
Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Please know that this is not a pointed philosophy on how Ben Emmons thinks everyone should live, or order, or eat. It is a very personal insight in my thoughts and feelings. Please feel free to respond, vent, or ask questions however you feel is appropriate.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
One Reason I Run…
These past two years and two months I can think of many days where I did not feel like running, but I ran, and in the end I felt better because I had done so! Two instances really stick out in my mind:
First, this past summer when I was struck in the lower back by an 8 ft metal and wood table. I was in as much pain as I can remember being in anytime. Anyone who has injured their lower back knows what the pain is like…I’d say only tooth pain has rivaled this feeling for me. The pain caused me to really SLOW my pace daily, and for nearly two weeks I could barely walk, but during my daily morning runs my back would loosen up and I would feel so well. Everyday I limited myself to 3.1 miles and a 10 minute pace, btw the doctors encouraged me to do so, they also wanted me to get an MRI, but in the end I didn’t feel like I need it!
Second, in the late Spring of last year I started to feel very ill one day. It was the flu, and while I would never suggest that anyone else run or work out while experiencing flu like symptoms I did…3.1 miles at about a 9 minute pace. When I finished my body still felt slightly ill, however I felt much better then when I started, but as the evening progressed I felt stronger and stronger…almost like the run caused my body to super charge its defense system. If you didn’t know running is super beneficial for our immune system.
Now I must also tell you I believe in the power of PRAYER, and also believe God gave me the strength to endure both of these situations, even healed me…I also believe my daily running aided and stimulated in the recovery of both of these cases.
What does this mean to you?
I am not suggesting that you all become marathon runners, or even runners. You don’t have to become an Ironman Triathlete…but get active, one way or another!
Ask yourself this question…when you DID NOT feel like working out, but inside you WILLED yourself through the workout, how did you feel when it was over?
Interesting how when you spend energy running, biking, walking, lifting, gardening, hiking, or doing whatever else you enjoy, you end up with more energy then when you began!!! Have you found this to be true?
This is one of the many reasons I run…
What are some of the reasons you run?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Three Qualities that TRANSFORM Teams Into Champions!
Three Qualities that Transform Teams Into Champions!
First, Champions Have One Vision: You can also say one goal! One dream…one common bond that the team is willing to believe and invest in. You can’t win without some level of sacrifice and the vision causes the desire within the heart to sacrifice. How many talented teams have lost because they lacked a real vision? Being unified by one vision is what causes a average team to work that much harder, sacrifice more, and even believe that they can win when others say they won't!
Second, Champions Embrace Their Identity: I have watched MANY talented teams struggle and actually lose games they should have easy won because they struggle to find a common identity, or they just don't believe they should be what they are. This is why the physically superior teams don't always win in sports. Many people call this, "team chemistry" when in fact it is knowing, understanding, and believing in who you are. It is sad to see as games are blown, in fact whole seasons ruined all due to the struggles of self(TEAM)-identity. We must embrace our identity, not struggle to be something we are not!
Third, Champions are Completely Dedicated: Once a team knows and is unified in their vision, and understands and embraces who they are…they must be fully dedicated to accomplishing whatever task/goal is set before them. For any kind of team this requires dedication on two levels. First, individuals must be fully dedicated to do the best at their position as possible…whatever the job is they do it with 110% effort! Second, every individual is fully dedicated to the entire team succeeding, not just shining at their particular position.
Can these team transformation qualities transfer into our families or workplace? I believe they can...How can you cause your family to be successful? How can you create an atmosphere of champions in your workplace? Please feel free to respond to these questions and add your own insight.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
10 Mile Progression Run
Progression Run! 10 miles, best running day of the year as far as the weather is concerned. Nice, comfortable, pace, easy most of the way until I started pushing the pace towards the end.
Split times as follows:
Mile Mile Pace Total Time
1 – 8:00 – 8:00
2 – 8:00 – 16:00
3 – 8:00 – 24:00
4 – 7:43 - 31:43
5 – 7:57 - 39:40
6 – 7:49 - 47:29
7 – 7:36 - 55:07
8 – 7:34 - 1:02:41
9 – 7:29 - 1:10:10
10 – 7:06 - 1:17:16
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Count the Cost - My Boston Marathon Dream
For the past few years I have been running, getting faster, and finally had been making some benchmark workouts that pointed to the idea that instead of being a fantasy it was going to simply take a superior effort on my part…then today happened.
Today I got news. The long awaited Boston Athletic Association decided to go public with the “New” qualifying standards. I won’t bore you with all the details, I will just tell you what the ends mean.
My new qualifying time for 2012 is 3:05, which may not appear to be such a drastic deal…however that means running 7:03 miles instead of 7:15 miles! 12 seconds faster per mile for 26.2 miles. To top it off, it also allows for a window of registration…if you beat your qualifying time by 20 minutes or more your allowed to register on day one of registration. As the days roll by you will be able to register, but the faster runner will always get the advantage and be granted entry first! After a week of this registration all other athletes that run a qualifying time will be allowed submit an entry, without guarantee of getting into the race.
So this brings me to the point, not that it really matters but what is my opinion on this, what appears to be even more stringent qualifying standards?
It will make me train that much harder…rise that much earlier…it’s exactly why I dreamed of qualifying for Boston in the first place! If I make it great, if not, at least the dream caused me to become better and not bitter!
These tougher standards make Boston what it is, one of the worlds most elite endurance fields. A benchmark for all other races! There is a reason the race sold out in less then eight hours this year. For any who are upset at this “change” I propose this…put in more miles, run more hills, eat better, train harder, and in the end whether you qualify or not you will be BETTER, and isn’t that why we run?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Disney / Goofy 2011 - Marathon4Missions!
Sunday’s Marathon – 26.2
The Race...