Day number one of Touring the Holy Land has quickly come to an end. Today was mainly an entire day devoted to traveling. Our first flight was delayed three hours so we were all anxious to get to Newark to meet the rest of our group, not to mention the comfort getting off of a propeller plane into a 777 Jet would bring us! We arrived at Dulles airport at 2:15ish and finally arrived in Israel 3:45 p.m. if your trying to do the math don’t forget the 7 hour time difference. The great news is the second plane was roomy for me, and the guy sitting in front of me didn’t shove his seat in my face, which was nice for a change.
After arriving we took a bus ride, it was very nice, peaceful, in fact so peaceful I had difficulty keeping my eyes open. We arrived in Nazareth and had dinner here at the hotel. Dinner was interesting!
The hotel has a pretty decent fitness center, and by decent I mean I can run on their treadmills and not EXPLODE them…I kind of have a reputation for exploding cheap treadmills if your wondering...
I ran 10k in just under 45 minutes…it was very nice to get my blood circulating. The flights were actually nice, the people seem amazing, but the highlight of the day so far for me is the fruit stand that a small group of us just walked to.
The fruit is AMAZING!!! I picked up oranges, apples, grapefruits, pamagranet, and strawberries were what I picked up…
Tonight we are in Nazareth, tomorrow morning I will run in the land where Jesus walked…Tomorrow we go to Cana, Nazareth Village, Megidido, Mt. Carmel, Caesarea, I will be baptized in the Jordan River, and we will spend the night near the Jordan River.
I am sure tomorrow will be a day full of amazing things…I will keep you poosted!
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