I believe our lives are built through our habits.
If your anything like me, most of what you do during the day
is done with little thought Hahahaha…no seriously, most of what I do throughout my day is done out of
habits. Little thought is given to the routines we follow in life.
Sometimes this is good...sometimes this is bad! It just depends on if it is a healthy habit or an unhealthy habit.
Everything from how we spend our time, to how we spend our
money is largely decided by our habits. Even our thoughts are created through habits...have you ever met someone who was positive about EVERYTHING? How about someone who was negative about EVERYTHING? These are habits...sometimes we fall into a habit of fear instead of faith. When this happens we live a life full of anxiety and worry!
So if you say to me you want to change something in your life? You want to succeed in an area your
currently failing or doing really poorly in? I would tell you the answer is simple, CHANGE YOUR HABITS!
Do you...
Want to grow spiritually? Are you reading the Word of God?
Want to shrink physically? Are you eating well?
Want a great family life? Are you investing the time into
your family they deserve?
Simply put, I believe our habits are the building block of
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