About Me

Words the world would uses to describe me are: Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Friend, Doctor, Pastor, Teacher, and my personal favorite Crazy!
I believe that we live our lives according to our convictions, what does your life say about whats at your core?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vision - Who, What, Where, Why! Planning for Success

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he Proverbs 29:18

Christians:  We are very good at saying we believe God's Word, but sometimes poor with the execution part!!!  Trusting God and placing your faith in Him for your future is key to our Christian faith, however, God wants you to plan, wants you to have vision, and wants you to understand where He is leading you!   
Vision is essential to our personal and professional lives.

When I was a young pastor I didn’t always have clear vision.  I had a good idea of what God was asking our church to become, but I had no action plan!  Without a plan vision is just dreams and many times in reality nightmares…dreams do not equal vision.  (PASTORS: Planning and being PURPOSEFUL with staffing, resources, and ministry time to your churches mission & core values are CRITICAL to become the church God has entrusted you with.  DO NOT wander away from these areas unless you wish to become something God has not called you to be, or do something that is opposite of what God has called you to do)

Once you have figured out the who, what, where, why (Notice, I left off the when, that is a lesson saved for a later time) you must DESIGN and IMPLEMENT the HOW! 

If I know where I want to go, but don’t have a plan on how to get there I am stuck! 

Remember when you were 16 with a drivers license and no car?
Time to get a job…Come up with the plan that gets you where you want/NEED to go.

I believe with all my heart that God is inviting EACH and everyone of us to become the person or church He designed us to be!  There are times I have to dial in my vision and in order to do this I have learned to ask myself three questions.  These questions also help clearly define our vision & goals when working with a team. These three questions can also help you determine the trajectory of your own personal path, your goals, & vision for life:

Where do we want/NEED to go? Or… Where do I want/NEED to go?
How do we get there? Or… How do I get there?
Why do we want/NEED to go there? Or… Why do I want/NEED to go there?

Examine your own life with these questions, what you may find is you need to refocus on your path and dial in your vision to accomplish all your created to do!

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