I also believe with just a few changes that cat can grow up and become that lion!
Who you HAVE become does not need to be who you WILL BE…
What do you do when you’ve become what you don’t want to be?
The simple answer here is Change…but how?
Some people say that change is difficult. I prefer to think of change as opportunity for improvement. It is necessary for something’s to change, while other things need to remain steady almost monotonous at times! (Believe it or not every run this past year was fun, thrilling, or exciting…running a 5k everyday was at times, errrr uhhhh VERY BORING…maybe that is because I have never been a “Runner”!)
But anyways, back to the subject of change and becoming the person we really desire to be. Typically we miss out on reaching goals for two reasons.
Either A – We are not steady or faithful in the areas we are trying to accomplish the goals in.
B – We are afraid to change (usually masked in the words “I can’t do it”!) because of old habits we are unwilling to break.
I will guarantee you that if your willing to make new habits or commit to doing something daily you will become better and more efficient at it! The second part of this guarantee is if you give up old unhealthy patterns or habits blocking you from accomplishing your new goals, it will be much easier to reach whatever goal you have set before yourself.
I suppose the real question I am asking here is this, “What are you willing to sacrifice in order to become, do, achieve, win, etc.?”
Philippians 4:13
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