About Me

Words the world would uses to describe me are: Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Friend, Doctor, Pastor, Teacher, and my personal favorite Crazy!
I believe that we live our lives according to our convictions, what does your life say about whats at your core?

Monday, February 1, 2016


Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”
Do you realize that our thoughts about the day ahead, self-thoughts or how we view ourselves,  other people, and EVERY OTHER aspect of our life actually creates within our spirit certain expectations? These expectations then produce our actions and reactions; in turn we create reality because our actions followed our thoughts. It is easy to see how someone who has been told they are ugly or worthless for many years will begin to believe it. Some people are told they are no good, unworthy, unlovable, disgusting, the lies go on and on and on…
Perhaps you’ve been lied to. The key to overcoming this issue is easier then you may think… ARE YOU READY FOR IT???
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:5
If we think negative thoughts about something or someone (including ourselves), chances are we will act out in a way that will produce a negative outcome. The key to this is once we begin to feel that negative or critical spirit rising up within, we need to quickly recognize the feeling and dismiss it or address it. Never let negative thoughts or feeling linger… THEY ONLY PRODUCE MONSTERS (such as envy, jealously, anger, guilt, shame, etc.)!
Have you ever met someone that found the good in EVERYONE AND ANYONE? That no matter how bad the circumstances looked, they never gave up believing the best! The truth is that our perspective on life is critical. In order to have a positive perspective we must begin realizing when a negative thought or feeling is impeding our spirits and at that point either dismiss it or address it.
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 says the Lord has placed life and death in front of us. Then He ENCOURAGES us to choose life. I believe far too often that we allow fear, anxiety, and stress to rob us of our joy. The Bible never promises an easy life, but it is full of promises. One of my favorites is:
Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.”
Another promise is, “The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Psalm 118:6
Bottom line: The Bible is full of FLAWED people who had to choose to stop believing their pasts would define their futures. Instead they accomplished AMAZING things THROUGH AMAZING COURAGE because they KNEW they served an AMAZING GOD!
That same AMAZING GOD made you! He NEVER has and NEVER will make a MISTAKE. That makes you part of His AMAZING CREATION. He loves you! He has a plan and a purpose for your life – and if you’re reading this, your life isn’t over yet! Don’t let the things people have said to you or about you detour you from accomplishing AWESOMENESS by being who God created you to be!
I’m sure the world told David he was too small… He knew how BIG his God was! Moses wasn’t good at public speaking… He chose to look past his flaws! Joseph would never get out of prison… He didn’t forget God has a plan and purpose for every life! Noah was too old… He didn’t pay attention to those who laughed and called him crazy (although you’d have to be a bit crazy to build a boat in the desert)! Abraham was 100 years old before God would fulfill His promise of a son… I wonder if he ever thought, “I maybe a bit too old for this”. Either way, he never gave up HOPE!
Just like these examples from the Bible, God is not FINISHED with you yet. Stop believing the lies you and others have planted in your brain. Instead choose to believe life… Choose to believe BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD! You can do this… You are the only you the world will ever have and God wants to do AMAZING THINGS THROUGH YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE AN AMAZING CREATION OF AN AMAZING GOD!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Goofy Race Report - What Doesn't Kill Ya Makes You...

Setbacks Can Equal Success When We Learn and Return Stronger

Most of us have heard the song, “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson.  The truth is we endure things everyday that hurt and often we contemplate quitting...

Each year I race something called the Goofy Race and a Half Challenge.  The race requires participants to run a half marathon on Saturday followed by a full marathon on Sunday.  Nearly everyone of my friends think this is insanity...I assure them it is not!

Seven or eight years ago, back before my first marathon I had this thought, "I'd like to be able to wake up any given day and be able to run a marathon...NO MATTER WHAT!"  I  had no idea when I signed up for this Marathon but this "race" would test my ability to do this...

10 days before the challenge I was injured.  The injury was significant, very painful but not debilitating.  Truthfully I had no idea whether I’d be able to complete the runs or not.  Due to this pulled or strained hamstring I couldn’t even walk well three days before the half marathon so I had my doubts.  I just continued to (pay the price) Pray, Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate the leg.  As the leg physically healed so did my confidence and I began thinking more positive about completing these runs.

Fast forward to the day of the half marathon.  Sarah and I started out on our half marathon journey together not knowing what the day would have in store…I felt great!  We ran the entire race and I experienced little to no pain.

The next day I lined up at the start line for the full marathon with high expectations of running a decent race.  I’d know the truth soon enough that my leg wasn’t nearly 100%...50% would have been a better estimate.  In fact ¼ mile into the race I felt some sharp pains and decided that I should slow the pace immediately.  Within two miles I was ready to call it a day in the name of healing.  I saw my wife and had a brief but deep and life perspective changing conversation.

Me, “I don’t know what to do…”
Sarah, “Does it hurt?”
Me, “Well not really bad, but yes. (It hurt pretty bad)”
Sarah, “Just keep running…go ahead go…just go until you have to stop.”
Me (In my HEAD) “That is the worst idea I have ever and I mean EVER heard!”

I was expecting her to say, “Don’t worry, there are other races to run” or “It’s ok just quit…you’ve run nine other marathons, one race isn’t a big deal.”

So here I am at mile FOUR…with ONLY 22.2 miles left to run.  Wanting to quit, and in all honesty it may have been the best thing to do...BUT

Miles FIVE - TEN: were slow…They were slower then any of the miles I ran this year before the injury.  I had grabbed my phone from Sarah at mile four so I was stopping for pictures at each and every character (still zero lines for photo opportunities) and even took many of the mile markers.  I was also texting with Sarah throughout these miles and she was very encouraging.  I know, I know YOU SHOULDN’T TEXT AND RUN! But it really did keep me moving forward.

Once I hit mile TEN I committed to Sarah’s plan and my new race strategy…just run until you can’t run anymore and then pull off at the medical tent and remove your race bib.

Miles 10 -18:  I all honesty this was probably the most enjoyable eight miles of any marathon I have run.  I ran slow and took pictures and my hamstring began burning.  By mile 18 I stopped for some Tylenol…I was afraid of masking the pain and making the injury worse so up to this point I hadn’t taken anything for pain management…but lets be honest at mile 18 of a marathon your going to be feeling some pain so I just decided at this point it was time to dull the pain as much as possible.  This was also the dead spots between Animal Kingdom and Wide World of Sports.  I facetime a few loved one during this spot of the race and showed them what I experienced when I normally would be racing…this helped.

Miles 19-26.2:  I think I walked more then I ever have during a race in these miles.  My pace didn’t really decrease…I’d run and the hamstring would tell me to slow down, so I’d walk for a minute or two and then begin jogging again…I did this for the rest of the race.  I came across another runner that was having the same experience I was and I was able to run with him for about 3 miles.  The conversation was great and we both stopped for pictures.  Reflecting on this part of the race reminds me of the pain I was feeling…it hurt!  It wasn’t pleasant at all…I think I had forgotten how much it hurt but for some reason I just remember that the conversation with this guy helped masked the pain, but when I would start to run it was like fire going through my left hamstring.  Mile 19 was where I grabbed a handful of biofreeze (Think Icy Hot) and rubbed it all over the back of my leg.  The small bit that ended up somehow on my tongue (yes, really) was actually kind of humorous and certainly took my mind off the pain in my leg...

The finish was awesome.  I don’t think any of my other nine marathons can compare.  I knew that I battled through this one.  I stopped at the finish line for a picture with Minnie Mouse. 
And then I crossed the finish line to my worst finish time of 4:34…there was more pain involved in the completion of this race then any other.  I wanted to quit for the first time during a marathon…but I DID NOT!  I just kept taking step at a time.

Disney World Marathon 2016
Finish Time: 4:34
Average pace per mile: 10:27

Race Verse: May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
Col. 1:11-12

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

An Open Challenge: Anyone Who Wants to Be Healthy

An Open Challenge:  Anyone Who Wants to Be Healthy

I was 321 pounds in 2007 and as low as 185lbs by 2008.  The majority of my last NINE YEARS  I've been between 210 - 220 pounds…I yoyo but I think that is healthy when your training.

I’ve faced injuries…but for the most part during those nine years I have experienced GREAT health…I believe the Lord has blessed me and kept me healthy and I give Him all the credit for this.

How I felt the last 21 days physically...
On December 30th, 2015 I experienced a bad hamstring injury.  It hurt to walk or even move it for days.  I continued running (hobbling) a mile each day to keep a runstreak alive but couldn’t work out like normal and allowed it to effect me mentally and nutritionally.  I knew I needed extra calories to heal quickly.  I had a half marathon (13.1 miles) on January 9th and a full marathon (26.2 miles), both which I completed.  The past three weeks have been a struggle for me.

ANYWAYS…to make a long story short.  Over the last 21 days I gained 15 pounds.

REGAINING weight: IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANY and ALL OF US, so do we give up?  Do we allow the weight to accumulate until it spirals out of control?  Honestly weight goes back on a million times easier then it comes off.  Let’s be honest it isn’t hard to consume extra calories for the majority of us.

The truth is at 230lbs (this morning January 19th, 2016) I feel about a billion times better then I did on my best day at 321lbs (February 2007).  Since my leg is healing I believe it's time to get serious about my nutrition again.  It is time to eat salads, and veggies and pass on the skittles and burgers!

I have a target of 210lbs by March. 20 pounds…I am going to accomplish this by eatting healthy and well balanced.  I will eat more colorful veggies and fruits and less processed garbage.  I will track my calories and be careful about what I am putting in my body.  Two and a half months of hard core clean living…

Romans 12:1 says, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice--the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.”

The point is if you want to lose weight…YOU CAN DO IT!
If your goal is to get healthy…YOU CAN DO IT!
If you want to run, or lift weights…YOU CAN DO IT!

I truly believe you can do anything you put your mind to! 

Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

Who want's to join me?  Let's do this!!!
What goals are you willing to set?